first day of school printable sign

First Day of School Printable Sign – All Grades!

Back to school season is here and this first day of school printable sign is ready for you to print and fill out for your back to school photos.

I’ve already seen my Facebook feed fill with back to school pictures! So I might be a little late in the season for posting this first day of school printable sign, however I am totally ahead of schedule for our back to school season. We still have 2 1/2 weeks before we go back to school and I am actually mostly prepared!

We’ve done our back to school shopping. Have our first day of school outfits picked out (and hairstyles). And we’ve even managed to finalize our schedule of after school activities. The only missing thing is our schedule. We’re still on summer time, staying up way too late and sleeping in as long as we like. The getting up in the morning is always the hardest part of school starting.

But even if we’re not totally prepared, I’m feeling really good about the back to school season. And excited for all the adventures we have planned for this year. So I felt like this year needed to be started off properly, with the first day of school sign and all!

first day of school printable sign

First Day of School Printable Sign – Choose Your Grade

I’ve created a blank version of this first day of school sign in each grade. Click on the link of the grade you need to download. This will print perfect on a letter size paper or as an 11×14. Then using markers or sharpies, fill in the questions and you’ll be ready for your first day of school photos!

When I print these, I like to upload them to Walgreen’s and get them printed as a photo. This way the color comes out amazing and the paper is high quality. And for some reason color printers and me just don’t seem to always get along. One minute they work perfect, then the next minute I need new ink…and then it jams… So I just save myself that hassle this way.

Although it’s not time for our back to school pictures, it was fun getting them ready. My handwriting on the computer is so much better than in person, so I went ahead and filled ours out before printing them. It will be fun to see how their answers change throughout the years and which ones stay the same. Since Olivia was 3, she has always said she wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up.  But this year, her answered changed for the first time!

first day of school printable signfirst day of school printable sign


Please share the love and pin this First Day of School Printable Sign so others can print and use for their first day of school pictures!

first day of school printable sign



  1. This sounds totally off topic, but my great aunt spend the last year of her life in a nursing home. They had a similar sheet on the little dresser by her bed that had her name, where she grew up, her favorite song, favorite activity, favorite color, happiest memory, favorite tv show, etc. It was such a great way to give added personality to all the people staying there– especially those who couldn’t communicate well. Maybe you can pitch the idea to a local nursing home!

  2. These are adorbs! I’m lucky I at least get a first day picture…but I haven’t done the sign in awhile. I may have to try again this year now that I’m inspired. LOL.

  3. I think this sign is adorable! I’m not even kidding when I say I’m printing this out to use on my son’s first day of school – as a sophomore in college! I’ll send you a pic. 🙂

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